You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

573 lines
14 KiB

## This is an example binkleyforce configuration file
## Configuration line format:
## <Keyword> [(<expression>)] <Value>
## For all addresses masks ``2:5020/*'' is equal to the ``2:5020/*.0''
## Expression elements:
## <Address or address mask>
## Time <interval>[,<interval>,..]
## Speed <logic_operator> <number>
## ConnSpeed <logic_operator> <number>
## Flag <nodelist_flag>
## Exec <command_name>
## Inbound, Outbound, Listed, Protected
## You can split long strings by adding '\' character to the end of previous
## line. Total length of string is unlimited. For example:
## Options NoZmodem \
## NoZedZap
## Config reader directives:
## $INCLUDE <filename> Include this file
## $LOGFILE <filename> Log to this file
## $DEBUGFILE <filename> Write debug information to this file
## $DEBUGLEVEL <debug_levels> Change debug level
## $IFEXP <expression> All data between ``$IFEXP'' and ``$ENDIF''
## <config_keyword> <value> directives will be used with the specified
## .... expression, empty lines are unallowed
## Examples:
## $DEBUGLEVEL Outbound hShake
## $IFEXP ((2:*/*.* | !protected) & Time 23:00-01:00)
## options NoFreqs
## min_speed_in 14400
## session_limit_in 600
$INCLUDE /usr/local/fido/etc/bforce.subst
$INCLUDE /usr/local/fido/etc/bforce.passwd
address 2:450/256.0@fidonet
address 2:450/247.128@fidonet
address 20:26/100.0@easynet
# Hide addresses from remote, where <address> must be one of your AKAs
# hide_our_aka <address>
# Allowed options:
# [No]Zmodem, [No]ZedZap, [No]DirZap, [No]Janus, [No]Hydra
# [No]Chat, [No]FTS1, [No]YooHoo, [No]EMSI, [No]EMSI-II
# [No]Freqs, [No]MailOnly, [No]HoldXT, [No]HoldReq, [No]HoldHold
# [No]HoldAll, [No]PickUp, [No]RH1
# Now it is highly recommended to set at least "NoDirZap NoJanus"
options NoDirZap NoJanus NoChat
# Domain outbounds
# Domain <domain_name> <outbound_dir> <zone>
#domain lasernet /var/spool/ftn/lasernet/ 161
#domain medianet /var/spool/ftn/medianet/ 776
#domain schoolnet /var/spool/ftn/schoolnet/ 461
# Log/debug file names (if not defined, used builtins)
#log_file_daemon /var/log/bforce/bf-daemon
#log_file /var/log/bforce/bf-log
#debug_file /var/log/bforce/bf-debug
# Existing of this file forbid any outgoing modem calls. Existing of
# file with name <nodialflag>.ttyS1 forbid outgoing calls only via
# modem on device /dev/ttyS1, and so on.
nodial_flag /etc/nodial
# Debugging information completness level. Debugging is disabled by
# default. Allowed debug levels: config, nodelist, outbound, info, hshake,
# ttyio, modem, prot, freq, daemon, full
# It seems to be broken now, use "$DEBUGLEVEL" instead
#debug_level info hshake prot
# Inbound directories
inbound_directory (Protected) /var/spool/fido/bt/pin
inbound_directory /var/spool/fido/bt/in
# Path to your 4D outbound (use zone as extension)
#outbound_directory /var/spool/fido/bt/out
# Path to your AmigaDos style 4D outbound.
# (You can use all outbound styles at the same time)
amiga_outbound_directory /var/spool/fido/bt/out
# Directory with your nodelists (for nodelist without full path)
nodelist_directory /var/spool/fido/ndl
# Directory for status files
status_directory /var/spool/fido/bforce
# Sessions history
history_file /var/log/bforce/history
# Minimal connect speeds for incoming/outgoing sessions
#min_speed_in 1200
#min_speed_out 1200
# Time limit for incoming/outgoing session [seconds]
#session_limit_in 1800
#session_limit_out 1800
# Abort transfer if minimal CPS stays longer this time (in seconds)
# Default value is 60 seconds.
#min_cps_time 120
# Force usage of this value as minimal CPS (most priority)
# min_cps_recv <Minimal_CPS>
# min_cps_send <Minimal_CPS>
# For example:
# min_cps_recv (2:5020/1398) 2100
# min_cps_recv (2:5020/1682) 3000
# min_cps_recv (2:5020/1811) 1400
# Minimal CPS values for Zmodem ,ZedZap, DirZap protocols (Receive/Send)
# <Speed> <CPS>
zmodem_mincps_recv 300 15
zmodem_mincps_recv 1200 90
zmodem_mincps_recv 2400 120
zmodem_mincps_recv 4800 240
zmodem_mincps_recv 7200 360
zmodem_mincps_recv 9600 480
zmodem_mincps_recv 12000 600
zmodem_mincps_recv 14400 720
zmodem_mincps_recv 16800 840
zmodem_mincps_recv 19200 960
zmodem_mincps_recv 21600 1080
zmodem_mincps_recv 23600 1180
zmodem_mincps_recv 24000 1200
zmodem_mincps_recv 26400 1320
zmodem_mincps_recv 28800 1440
zmodem_mincps_recv 31200 1600
zmodem_mincps_recv 33600 1700
zmodem_mincps_send 300 15
zmodem_mincps_send 1200 90
zmodem_mincps_send 2400 120
zmodem_mincps_send 4800 240
zmodem_mincps_send 7200 360
zmodem_mincps_send 9600 480
zmodem_mincps_send 12000 600
zmodem_mincps_send 14400 720
zmodem_mincps_send 16800 840
zmodem_mincps_send 19200 960
zmodem_mincps_send 21600 1080
zmodem_mincps_send 23600 1180
zmodem_mincps_send 24000 1200
zmodem_mincps_send 26400 1320
zmodem_mincps_send 28800 1440
zmodem_mincps_send 31200 1600
zmodem_mincps_send 33600 1700
hydra_mincps_recv 300 15
hydra_mincps_recv 1200 90
hydra_mincps_recv 2400 120
hydra_mincps_recv 4800 240
hydra_mincps_recv 7200 360
hydra_mincps_recv 9600 480
hydra_mincps_recv 12000 600
hydra_mincps_recv 14400 720
hydra_mincps_recv 16800 840
hydra_mincps_recv 19200 960
hydra_mincps_recv 21600 1080
hydra_mincps_recv 23600 1180
hydra_mincps_recv 24000 1200
hydra_mincps_recv 26400 1320
hydra_mincps_recv 28800 1440
hydra_mincps_recv 31200 1600
hydra_mincps_recv 33600 1700
hydra_mincps_send 300 15
hydra_mincps_send 1200 90
hydra_mincps_send 2400 120
hydra_mincps_send 4800 240
hydra_mincps_send 7200 360
hydra_mincps_send 9600 480
hydra_mincps_send 12000 600
hydra_mincps_send 14400 720
hydra_mincps_send 16800 840
hydra_mincps_send 19200 960
hydra_mincps_send 21600 1080
hydra_mincps_send 23600 1180
hydra_mincps_send 24000 1200
hydra_mincps_send 26400 1320
hydra_mincps_send 28800 1440
hydra_mincps_send 31200 1600
hydra_mincps_send 33600 1700
# Automatically set this permissions on the received files
mode_default 100660
mode_arcmail 100660
mode_netmail 100660
mode_request 100660
# In modem commands you can use:
# '|' cartidge return
# '^' high DTR
# 'v' low DTR
# '~' 1 second delay
# '`' 1/4 second delay
# Yor modem devices names (will use first not locked one)
# ModemDev <device>[<:lock_speed>]
modem_port /dev/ttyS0:57600
# Send this string to modem before calling
modem_reset_command AT|
# Dial string
modem_dial_prefix ATDP
# Dial string
modem_dial_suffix |
# Hangup string
modem_hangup_command v~^~ATH0|
# Command for getting modem statistic (after outgoing sessions)
#modem_stat_command AT%S|
# if your modem do not send statistic, use this:
modem_stat_command AT|
# List of modem responses on modem dial command
# First field is substring of modem response string, first match used!
# Second field value Default return code
# connect --
# busy 11
# nocarrier 12
# nodialtone 13
# noanswer 14
# error 15
# You are free to use something like: ModemDialResp "LINE IN USE" Error 200
# <Modem said> <Mailer think> [Return code]
modem_dial_response "CONNECT" connect
modem_dial_response "BUSY" busy
modem_dial_response "NO CARRIER" nocarrier
modem_dial_response "NO DIAL" nodialTone
modem_dial_response "NO ANSWER" noanswer
modem_dial_response "VOICE" noanswer
modem_dial_response "ERROR" error
# Your nodelists. Will try all nodelists with matching address mask.
# Supports nodelist masks by extension. For ex. nodelist.999 will
# match the latest by date of nodelist.???
nodelist nodelist.999 *:*/*.0
nodelist 450_256.pnt 2:450/256.*
nodelist easynet.ndl 20:26/*.0
nodelist *:*/*.*
# Nodelist phone numbers translation
# phone_translate <what_translate> [to_what_translate]
phone_translate 375-17-
phone_translate 375- 8W
# Your system information (for EMSI only)
system_name XXX Station
location Minsk, Belarus
sysop_name Evgeniy Kozhuhovskiy
phone 375-17-2250238, voice: 375-29-5586164
max_speed 57600
flags XW,V34B,IDC,LMD
emsi_OH_time 22:00-07:30
emsi_FR_time 22:30-05:30
# Our receiver buffer size [bytes]
recv_buffer_size 65536
# Wait for modem response this time at calling [seconds]
wait_carrier_out 120
# Command to run external SRIF processor
#freq_srif_command /usr/local/lib/u-srif/u-srif
# Files with list of aliases and dirs for FREQs
freq_alias_list /usr/local/fido/etc/freq.aliases
freq_dir_list /usr/local/fido/etc/freq.dirs
# Maximal number of files to send on FREQs
freq_limit_number 10
# Size limit for file requests [bytes]
freq_limit_size 6000000
# _SEND_ requested files not longer this time [seconds]
freq_limit_time 1200
# Ignore this masks in file requests
freq_ignore_masks \\* \\*.\\* \\*.zip \\*.rar \\*.tgz \\*.mp3
# Skip files with ZRPOS on zmodem protocol (else use ZSKIP)
#zmodem_skip_by_pos yes
# Binkleyforce will send empty netmail packet on Zmodem/ZedZap/DirZap
# protocols if there is nothing to send (default - No)
zmodem_send_dummy_pkt no
# Initial block size [bytes] for Zmodem/ZedZap/DirZap protocols
#zmodem_start_block_size 512
# Tx window size [bytes] for Zmodem/ZedZap/DirZap protocols
#zmodem_tx_window 32768
# Automaticaly skip files with such names at receiving
skip_files_recv *.pif *.swp
# Delay files with such names at receiving/sending
#delay_files_recv !%arcmail !%netmail # We will refuse all except mail
#delay_files_send !%netmail # We will send only netmail
# # packets
# Our netmail-only uplink
#delay_files_recv (2:450/102) !%netmail
# Binkleyforce will delay all receiving files if free space space
# in the inbound directory is lower this value [Kbytes]
#min_free_space 20000
# Tables for recoding to another charset. Tables format is compartible
# with HPT, FTrack and possible with something else.
# File names recoding
#recode_file_out /usr/local/fido/etc/koi82alt.tbl
#recode_file_in /usr/local/fido/etc/alt2koi8.tbl
# Intro recoding (Buggy Sidoroff)
#recode_intro_in (2:450/236) /usr/local/fido/etc/alt2koi8.tbl
# External programs support. Possible execution options:
# nowait - don't wait for the process termination
# logout - write stdout/stderr to the log
# setsid - run command in a new session
# useshell - run command by calling a shell (/bin/sh)
#run_after_handshake [logout]/bin/echo "Hello, world!"
#run_after_session [nowait,setsid]/usr/local/lib/ftp/run-in
# To see a nodelist node information in the log file, write:
#run_after_handshake [useshell,logout]/usr/local/lib/ftn/nlookup $REM_ADDR_FTN
# Path to the directory with "long" fileboxes. Such fileboxes names
# has the format "<zone>.<net>.<node>.<point>" (e.g. "2.5020.2120.0").
# The files from such fileboxes are allways queued with a "hold" flavor
#filebox_directory /var/spool/fido/bt/fbox
# Personal fileboxes
# filebox <path> <address> [flavor]
#filebox /var/spool/ftn/fbox/adb 2:5020/2120.1 hold
#filebox /var/spool/ftn/fbox/pvc 2:5020/2091 normal
# ?LO files content translation rules
# flo_translate <find string> <replace string>
#flo_translate C:\\fido\\spool\\outbound /var/spool/ftn/out
#flo_translate \\ /
# DAEMON configuration
# Try counters short description:
# <Keyword> <Tries number> <Action> [<Action argument>]
# Allowed 'Keywords':
# 'Maxtries'
# Increase : every time when we call system
# Reset : successful session
# 'Maxtries_noansw'
# Increase : modem return "noanswer"
# Reset : connect
# 'Maxtries_noconn'
# Increase : cannot connect
# Reset : connect
# 'Maxtries_hshake'
# Increase : handshake failure
# Reset : successful handshake
# 'Maxtries_sessions'
# Increase : any failures after connect (including connect speed too low)
# Reset : successful session
# 'Maxtries_nodial'
# Increase : modem return "nodialtone"
# Reset : connect
# Allowed 'Actions':
# 'Undialable' - set undialable flag to the system, so we will never try
# to call it more
# 'Hold' - don't call system during next <Action argument> seconds
# 'HoldAll' - don't make outgoing calls to ANY system during next
# <Action argument> seconds
maxtries 200 Undialable # Be carefull.. =)
maxtries_noansw 5 Hold 7200 # Call two hours later
maxtries_noconn 40 Hold 10800 # Don't call 3 hours
maxtries_hshake 10 Hold 86400 # 1 day delay
maxtries_sessions 10 Hold 3600 # Don't annoy uplinks
maxtries_nodial 1 Hold 1200 # Call 20 min later
# Minimum delay between reusings of the same modem [seconds]
daemon_circle_modem 40
# Outbound queue rescan interval [seconds]
daemon_circle_rescan 60
# Minimum delay between two outgoing calls to the same system,
# depending on the mail/files flavor [seconds]
daemon_circle_normal 80
daemon_circle_direct 40
daemon_circle_crash 20
daemon_circle_immed 10
# Maximum number of the simultaneously running TCP/IP clients. Zero value
# will forbid any outgoing calls via TCP/IP
daemon_maxclients_tcpip 3
# Maximum number of the simultaneously running modem clients. Zero value
# will forbid any outgoing calls via modems
daemon_maxclients_modem 1
# Daemon PID file name
daemon_pid_file /var/run/
# Syslog facility (see man 3 openlog and /usr/include/sys/syslog.h for list of facilities)
# 64 == 8<3 == LOG_UUCP
# See SYSLOG for details
syslog_facility 64
# Holdall flag (if exists, no mail will sent)
nomail_flag /etc/nomail
# run_before_session executes a command specified
# and returns after the command has been completed.
run_before_session /usr/local/bin/
# That's all!