You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

508 lines
11 KiB

* binkleyforce -- unix FTN mailer project
* Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Alexander Belkin, 2:5020/1398.11
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* $Id$
#include "includes.h"
#include "confread.h"
#include "version.h"
#include "logger.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "io.h"
#include "session.h"
#define INTRO_MAX_SIZE 512
#define INTRO_MAX_LINES 10
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Initiate outbound session and define handshake protocol */
/* On success: zero (state.session is handshake type) */
/* On error: non-zero (state.session set to UNKNOWN) */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int session_init_outgoing(void)
int c = 0;
int tries = 0;
int pos_emsi = 0;
int pos_intro = 0;
bool canemsi = FALSE;
bool canyoohoo = FALSE;
bool canftsc = FALSE;
bool canintro = FALSE;
char buf_emsi[13];
char buf_intro[256];
int emsi_seq = 0; /* start reading emsi sequence */
int enqcount = 0; /* number of ENQ received */
int nakcount = 0; /* number of NAK or 'C' received */
int enq_need = 1;
int nak_need = 1;
time_t mast_timer = 0; /* master timer, seems to be 60sec */
time_t sync_timer = 0; /* resync every .. seconds */
long options = conf_options(cf_options);
int intro_lines = 0;
int intro_count = 0;
int unexp_count = 0;
state.session = SESSION_UNKNOWN;
if( (options & OPTIONS_NO_EMSI) != OPTIONS_NO_EMSI )
canemsi = TRUE;
canyoohoo = TRUE;
if( (options & OPTIONS_NO_FTS1) != OPTIONS_NO_FTS1 )
canftsc = TRUE;
canintro = TRUE;
enq_need = canemsi ? 2 : 1;
nak_need = (canemsi || canyoohoo) ? 2 : 1;
* Put CR until any character received
if( PUTCHAR('\r') < 0 || FLUSHOUT() < 0 )
return 1;
while( !CHARWAIT(1) )
if( ++tries > 15 )
log("too much tries waking remote");
return 1;
if( PUTCHAR('\r') < 0 || FLUSHOUT() < 0 )
return 1;
#ifdef DEBUG
if( tries > 0 )
DEB((D_HSHAKE, "tx_init: remote waked on %d try", tries));
* Safety is the 1st law
*buf_emsi = '\0';
*buf_intro = '\0';
* Start timers
timer_set(&mast_timer, OUTGOING_MAST_TIMER);
timer_set(&sync_timer, OUTGOING_SYNC_TIMER*2);
* Determine supported handshakes on called system
* (support for FTS-1, YooHoo, EMSI)
if( timer_expired(mast_timer) )
log("session initialisation timed out");
DEB((D_HSHAKE, "handshake initialisation timed out"));
return 1;
if( timer_expired(sync_timer) )
DEB((D_HSHAKE, "tx_sendsync: resyncing"));
if( canemsi && PUTSTR("**EMSI_INQC816**EMSI_INQC816") < 0 )
return 1;
if( canyoohoo && PUTCHAR(YOOHOO) < 0 )
return 1;
if( canftsc && PUTCHAR(TSYNC) < 0 )
return 1;
if( canemsi && PUTCHAR('\r') < 0 )
return 1;
if( FLUSHOUT() < 0 )
return 1;
timer_set(&sync_timer, OUTGOING_SYNC_TIMER);
* Pickup next char
c = GETCHAR(1);
if( canintro && c > 0 )
if( c == XON || c == XOFF )
/* Do nothing. Drop them down */
else if( c == '\r' || c == '\n' )
if( pos_intro > 0 )
intro_lines += 1;
intro_count += pos_intro;
log("intro: \"%s\"",
pos_intro = 0;
buf_intro[0] = '\0';
else if( pos_intro < sizeof(buf_intro) - 1 )
buf_intro[pos_intro++] = (char)c;
buf_intro[pos_intro ] = '\0';
if( pos_intro >= sizeof(buf_intro) - 1 )
intro_lines += 1;
intro_count += pos_intro;
log("intro buffer is full");
log("intro: \"%s\"",
pos_intro = 0;
buf_intro[0] = '\0';
if( intro_lines >= INTRO_MAX_LINES )
log("stop logging intro: %d lines limit", intro_lines);
canintro = FALSE;
else if( intro_count >= INTRO_MAX_SIZE )
log("stop logging intro: %d bytes limit", intro_count);
canintro = FALSE;
if( c < 0 )
if( c != TTY_TIMEOUT )
return 1;
else if( c == XON || c == XOFF )
/* Do nothing. Drop them down */
else if( c == ENQ )
if( enq_need && ++enqcount >= enq_need && canyoohoo )
DEB((D_HSHAKE, "tx_init: exit with YooHoo"));
state.session = SESSION_YOOHOO;
return 0;
else if( c == TSYNC )
if( nak_need && ++nakcount > nak_need && canftsc )
DEB((D_HSHAKE, "tx_init: exit with FTS-1"));
state.session = SESSION_FTSC;
return 0;
else if( canemsi && c > ' ' && c < '~' )
if( c != 'C' )
nakcount = 0;
enqcount = 0;
if( c == '*' )
memset(buf_emsi, '\0', sizeof(buf_emsi));
pos_emsi = 0;
emsi_seq = 1;
else if( emsi_seq )
if( pos_emsi < sizeof(buf_emsi)-1 )
buf_emsi[pos_emsi++] = (char)c;
buf_emsi[pos_emsi ] = '\0';
if( pos_emsi >= sizeof(buf_emsi)-1 )
emsi_seq = 0;
DEB((D_HSHAKE, "tx_init: emsi buffer full \"%s\"",
if( !strncasecmp(buf_emsi, "EMSI_REQA77E", 12)
|| !strncasecmp(buf_emsi, "EMSI_NAKEEC3", 12) )
DEB((D_HSHAKE, "tx_init: exit with EMSI"));
state.session = SESSION_EMSI;
if( PUTSTR("**EMSI_INQC816\r") < 0
|| PUTSTR("**EMSI_INQC816\r") < 0 )
return 1;
if( FLUSHOUT() < 0 )
return 1;
return 0;
else if( !strncasecmp(buf_emsi, "EMSI_INQC816", 12) )
* Most probable it is echo of
* our own EMSI_INQ, try to send
* separated EMSI_INQ as user
* name and password to be sure
* that they understand us.
/* Wait for a login prompt */
if( PUTSTR("**EMSI_INQC816\r") < 0
|| FLUSHOUT() < 0 )
return 1;
/* Wait for a password prompt */
if( PUTSTR("**EMSI_INQC816\r") < 0
|| FLUSHOUT() < 0 )
return 1;
timer_set(&sync_timer, OUTGOING_SYNC_TIMER);
else if( !strncasecmp(buf_emsi, "EMSI", 4) )
log("unexpected emsi sequence \"%s\"",
if( ++unexp_count > 10 )
log("too many unexpected emsi sequences");
return 1;
else if( emsi_seq )
emsi_seq = 0;
DEB((D_HSHAKE, "sm_rx_waitseq: bad character 0x%02x in \"%s\"",
c, string_printable(buf_emsi)));
return 1;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Initiate inbound session and define handshake protocol */
/* On success: return zero (state.session defines handshake type) */
/* On error: return non-zero (state.session set to HSHAKE_UNKNOWN) */
/* */
/* TODO: It is not working yet, it only reports about EMSI requests.. (1) */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int session_init_incoming(void)
int c = 0;
int pos = 0;
bool canemsi = FALSE;
bool canyoohoo = FALSE;
bool canftsc = FALSE;
char buf[13];
int emsi_seq = 0; /* start reading emsi sequence */
int yoohoo_count = 0; /* number of ENQ received */
int tsync_count = 0; /* number of NAK or 'C' received */
int yoohoo_need = 1;
int tsync_need = 1;
time_t mast_timer = 0; /* master timer, seems to be 60sec */
time_t sync_timer = 0;
long options = conf_options(cf_options);
int unexp_count = 0;
state.session = SESSION_UNKNOWN;
if( (options & OPTIONS_NO_EMSI) != OPTIONS_NO_EMSI )
canemsi = TRUE;
canyoohoo = TRUE;
if( (options & OPTIONS_NO_FTS1) != OPTIONS_NO_FTS1 )
canftsc = TRUE;
yoohoo_need = canemsi ? 2 : 1;
tsync_need = (canemsi || canyoohoo) ? 2 : 1;
if( PUTCHAR('\r') < 0 )
return 1;
* Output banner
if( canemsi && PUTSTR("**EMSI_REQA77E\r") < 0 )
return 1;
if( state.connstr )
/* Show connect string */
if( PUTCHAR('[') < 0 )
return 1;
if( PUTSTR(state.connstr) < 0 )
return 1;
if( PUTSTR("]\n") < 0 )
return 1;
if( PUTSTR(BF_BANNERVER) < 0 || PUTCHAR(' ') < 0
|| PUTSTR(BF_COPYRIGHT) < 0 || PUTCHAR('\n') < 0 )
return 1;
if( FLUSHOUT() < 0 )
return 1;
/* Start timers */
timer_set(&mast_timer, INCOMING_MAST_TIMER);
timer_set(&sync_timer, INCOMING_SYNC_TIMER/2);
* Determine supported handshakes on called system
* (support for FTS-1, YooHoo, EMSI)
if( timer_expired(mast_timer) )
log("session initialisation timed out");
DEB((D_HSHAKE, "handshake initialisation timed out"));
return 1;
if( timer_expired(sync_timer) )
DEB((D_HSHAKE, "rx_init: resyncing"));
if( canemsi && PUTSTR("**EMSI_REQA77E\r") < 0 )
return 1;
if( FLUSHOUT() < 0 )
return 1;
timer_set(&sync_timer, INCOMING_SYNC_TIMER);
* Pickup next char
if( (c = GETCHAR(1)) < 0 )
if( c != TTY_TIMEOUT )
return 1;
else if( c == XON || c == XOFF )
/* Do nothing. Drop them down */
else if( c == YOOHOO )
if( ++yoohoo_count >= yoohoo_need && canyoohoo )
DEB((D_HSHAKE, "rx_init: exit with YooHoo"));
state.session = SESSION_YOOHOO;
return 0;
else if( c == TSYNC )
if( ++tsync_count > tsync_need && canftsc )
DEB((D_HSHAKE, "rx_init: exit with FTS-1"));
state.session = SESSION_FTSC;
return 0;
else if( canemsi && c > ' ' && c < '~' )
tsync_count = 0;
yoohoo_count = 0;
if( c == '*' )
memset(buf, '\0', sizeof(buf));
pos = 0;
emsi_seq = 1;
else if( emsi_seq )
if( pos < sizeof(buf)-1 )
buf[pos++] = (char)(c & 0xff);
buf[pos ] = '\0';
if( pos >= sizeof(buf)-1 )
emsi_seq = 0;
DEB((D_HSHAKE, "rx_init: emsi buffer full \"%s\"",
if( !strncasecmp(buf, "EMSI_INQC816", 12) )
DEB((D_HSHAKE, "rx_init: exit with EMSI"));
state.session = SESSION_EMSI;
return 0;
else if( !strncasecmp(buf, "EMSI", 4) )
log("unexpected emsi sequence \"%s\"",
if( ++unexp_count > 10 )
log("too many unexpected emsi sequences");
return 1;
else if( emsi_seq )
emsi_seq = 0;
DEB((D_HSHAKE, "rx_init: bad character 0x%02x in \"%s\"",
c, string_printable(buf)));
return 1;