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# Copyright (c) 2000 by Alexander Belkin <>
# $Id$
# Time syncronization utility
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Program settings
set bforce_log_file "/var/log/bforce/bf-log.ttyS0"
set sync_with_addr "2:450/102"
set max_time_diff 1800
set min_time_diff 20
set news_groups "local.robots"
set from_user "Time Robot <>"
set inews_cmd "/usr/bin/inews"
# The program's body starts here
set sess_pid ""
set remote_times ""
set local_times ""
set TEXT ""
set INP [open $bforce_log_file "r"]
foreach line [split [read $INP] "\n"] {
set fields [split $line " "]
set pid [lindex $fields 3]
set time [join [lrange $fields 0 2]]
set data [join [lrange $fields 4 end]]
if { [string match "*Address : $sync_with_addr" $data] } {
set sess_pid $pid
set sess_time ""
} elseif { [string match "*Time :*" $data] } {
if { $sess_pid == $pid } {
regexp "Time : (.+)" $data {} timestr
if { $timestr != "" } {
set sess_time $timestr
} elseif { [string match "remote is*,protected" $data] } {
if { $sess_pid == $pid } {
if { $sess_time != "" && $time != "" } {
lappend remote_times $sess_time
lappend local_times $time
set sess_pid ""
set sess_time ""
} elseif { [string match "remote is*" $data] } {
if { $sess_pid == $pid } {
set sess_pid ""
set sess_time ""
close $INP
set last_rem_time [lindex $remote_times end]
set last_loc_time [lindex $local_times end]
if { $last_rem_time != "" && $last_loc_time != "" } {
regexp "(\[0-9]+):(\[0-9]+):(\[0-9]+)" $last_rem_time {} rh rm rs
regexp "(\[0-9]+):(\[0-9]+):(\[0-9]+)" $last_loc_time {} lh lm ls
set rem [expr "$rh*3600 + $rm*60 + $rs"]
set loc [expr "$lh*3600 + $lm*60 + $ls"]
set diff [expr "$rem - $loc"]
if { [expr abs($diff)] < $min_time_diff } {
# Do nothing
} elseif { [expr abs($diff)] <= $max_time_diff } {
set old_sec [clock seconds]
set new_sec [expr $old_sec + $diff]
exec /bin/date -s [clock format $new_sec -format "%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S"]
exec /sbin/clock -wu
append TEXT "The System time was synchronized with the node $sync_with_addr\n\n"
append TEXT "Old time : [clock format $old_sec]\n"
append TEXT "New time : [clock format $new_sec]\n"
append TEXT "Time difference : $diff second(s)\n"
} else {
set old_sec [clock seconds]
set new_sec [expr $old_sec + $diff]
append TEXT "The System time WAS NOT synchronized with the node $sync_with_addr\n\n"
append TEXT "Current time : [clock format $old_sec]\n"
append TEXT "Want set time : [clock format $new_sec]\n"
append TEXT "Time difference : $diff second(s) (must be lower $max_time_diff seconds)\n"
if { $TEXT != "" } {
set MSG "From: $from_user\n"
append MSG "Subject: Time synchronization\n"
append MSG "Newsgroups: $news_groups\n\n"
append MSG $TEXT
exec $inews_cmd -h << $MSG
exit 0