import string class template: def __init__(self): self.local_address = '' self.local_sysop = '' self.local_location = '' self.local_phone = '' self.remote_address = '' self.remote_sysop = '' self.remote_location = '' self.remote_phone = '' self.remote_cid = '' self.limit_size_day = -1 self.limit_size_week = -1 self.limit_size_month = -1 self.sent_size_day = -1 self.sent_size_week = -1 self.sent_size_month = -1 self.sent_size = -1 self.conn_speed = -1 self.text = None def set(self, srif=None, conf=None, nodestat=None): if srif: self.remote_address = srif.aka.string() self.remote_sysop = srif.sysop self.remote_location = self.remote_cid = srif.callerid self.conn_speed = srif.baud if conf: self.local_address = conf.local_address.string() self.limit_size_day = conf.limit_size_day self.limit_size_week = conf.limit_size_week self.limit_size_month = conf.limit_size_month if nodestat: self.sent_session_size = nodestat.stat_session_size self.sent_session_num = nodestat.stat_session_num self.sent_day_size = nodestat.stat_day_size self.sent_day_num = nodestat.stat_day_num self.sent_week_size = nodestat.stat_week_size self.sent_week_num = nodestat.stat_week_num self.sent_month_size = nodestat.stat_month_size self.sent_month_num = nodestat.stat_month_num self.sent_total_size = nodestat.stat_total_size self.sent_total_num = nodestat.stat_total_num def __cmd__(self, str): try: [fmt, arg] = string.split(str, ',', 1) return eval('"' + fmt + '" % self.' + arg) except ValueError: return '@ValueError@' except AttributeError: return '@AttributeError@' def process(self, text=None): if text == None: text = self.text if text == None: return None pos = 0 while 1: pos = string.find(text, '@', pos) if pos < 0: break end_pos = string.find(text, '@', pos+1) if end_pos < 0: break if end_pos - pos > 1: # Process escaped command replace = self.__cmd__(text[pos+1:end_pos]) if replace: text = text[:pos]+replace+text[end_pos+1:] # Fix the current position pos = end_pos + len(replace)-(end_pos-pos+1) else: # Leave text untouched pos = end_pos + 1 else: # Replace '@@' by the single '@' text = text[:pos+1]+text[pos+2:] pos = end_pos return text def readfile(self, path): try: fp = open(path, 'r') self.text = fp.close() except IOError: pass if __name__ == "__main__": test = template() print test.process("'@@'\n'@@'\n'@%d,conn_speed@'\n'@@@'")