/* * binkleyforce -- unix FTN mailer project * * Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Alexander Belkin, 2:5020/1398.11 * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * $Id$ */ #include "includes.h" #include "confread.h" #include "version.h" #include "logger.h" #include "util.h" #include "outbound.h" #include "session.h" /* * Command line options storage structure */ typedef struct { bool calls_stat; bool sort_bysize; bool sort_byaddr; bool sort_reverse; bool disable_total_sizes; bool humansizes; int nodeslimit; } s_opts; /* * Our fake expressions checker. Allways return FALSE (?) */ bool eventexpr(s_expr *expr) { return FALSE; } static void usage(void) { printf_usage("outbound viewer", "usage: bfstat [-afhprst] [-n]\n" "\n" "options:\n" " -a sort by FTN address (default)\n" " -c print incoming/outgoing calls statistic\n" " -f disable queue sorting\n" " -h print this help message\n" " -n don't print more than systems\n" " -p print sizes in human readable format\n" " -r reverse order while sorting\n" " -s sort by total files size\n" " -t disable total sizes printing\n" "\n" ); } static void bfstat_opts_default(s_opts *opts) { memset(opts, '\0', sizeof(s_opts)); opts->sort_bysize = FALSE; opts->sort_byaddr = TRUE; opts->sort_reverse = FALSE; opts->disable_total_sizes = FALSE; opts->humansizes = FALSE; opts->nodeslimit = 0; } static void bfstat_print_outbound(s_sysqueue *queue, s_opts *opts) { int i; char sbuf[4][10]; char age_buffer[20]; char abuf[BF_MAXADDRSTR+1]; size_t size_netmail = 0; size_t size_arcmail = 0; size_t size_other = 0; time_t now = time(0); int printnum = opts->nodeslimit ? MIN(opts->nodeslimit, queue->sysnum) : queue->sysnum; printf("Address Netmail Arcmail Other Flavors Age\n"); printf("=========================================================================\n"); for( i = 0; i < printnum; i++ ) { /* Update total size counters */ if( !opts->disable_total_sizes ) { size_netmail += queue->systab[i].netmail_size; size_arcmail += queue->systab[i].arcmail_size; size_other += queue->systab[i].request_size + queue->systab[i].files_size; } /* Get mail age string */ if( queue->systab[i].mailage > 0 ) time_string_approx_interval(age_buffer, (now - queue->systab[i].mailage)); else *age_buffer = '\0'; if( opts->humansizes ) { printf("%-25s %-9s %-9s %-9s %c%c%c%c%c %s\n", ftn_addrstr(abuf, queue->systab[i].node.addr), string_humansize(sbuf[0], queue->systab[i].netmail_size), string_humansize(sbuf[1], queue->systab[i].arcmail_size), string_humansize(sbuf[2], queue->systab[i].request_size + queue->systab[i].files_size), (queue->systab[i].flavors & FLAVOR_HOLD ) ? 'H' : '.', (queue->systab[i].flavors & FLAVOR_NORMAL) ? 'N' : '.', (queue->systab[i].flavors & FLAVOR_DIRECT) ? 'D' : '.', (queue->systab[i].flavors & FLAVOR_CRASH ) ? 'C' : '.', (queue->systab[i].flavors & FLAVOR_IMMED ) ? 'I' : '.', age_buffer); } else { printf("%-25s %-9ld %-9ld %-9ld %c%c%c%c%c %s\n", ftn_addrstr(abuf, queue->systab[i].node.addr), (long)(queue->systab[i].netmail_size), (long)(queue->systab[i].arcmail_size), (long)(queue->systab[i].request_size + queue->systab[i].files_size), (queue->systab[i].flavors & FLAVOR_HOLD ) ? 'H' : '.', (queue->systab[i].flavors & FLAVOR_NORMAL) ? 'N' : '.', (queue->systab[i].flavors & FLAVOR_DIRECT) ? 'D' : '.', (queue->systab[i].flavors & FLAVOR_CRASH ) ? 'C' : '.', (queue->systab[i].flavors & FLAVOR_IMMED ) ? 'I' : '.', age_buffer); } } if( !opts->disable_total_sizes ) { printf("=========================================================================\n"); if( opts->humansizes ) { printf("TOTAL %3d systems %-9s %-9s %-9s %-9s\n", printnum, string_humansize(sbuf[0], size_netmail), string_humansize(sbuf[1], size_arcmail), string_humansize(sbuf[2], size_other), string_humansize(sbuf[3], size_netmail+size_arcmail+size_other)); } else { printf("TOTAL %3d systems %-9ld %-9ld %-9ld %-9ld\n", printnum, (long)size_netmail, (long)size_arcmail, (long)size_other, (long)(size_netmail + size_arcmail + size_other)); } } } static void bfstat_print_stat(s_sysqueue *queue, s_opts *opts) { int i; s_sess_stat stat; char abuf[BF_MAXADDRSTR+1]; time_t now = time(0); int printnum = opts->nodeslimit ? MIN(opts->nodeslimit, queue->sysnum) : queue->sysnum; printf("Address Last incoming Last outgoing Status\n"); printf("=========================================================================\n"); for( i = 0; i < printnum; i++ ) { if( session_stat_get(&stat, &queue->systab[i].node.addr) ) { printf("%-25s No statistic available\n", ftn_addrstr(abuf, queue->systab[i].node.addr)); } else { char last_in[30]; char last_out[30]; char status[60]; char buffer[30]; /* * Format date of the last successful incoming session */ if( stat.last_success_in > 0 ) { time_string_format(last_in, sizeof(last_in), "%H:%M %d/%m/%y", stat.last_success_in); } else strcpy(last_in, "--------------"); /* * Format date of the last successful outgoing session */ if( stat.last_success_out > 0 ) { time_string_format(last_out, sizeof(last_out), "%H:%M %d/%m/%y", stat.last_success_out); } else strcpy(last_out, "--------------"); /* * Generate calls status message */ if( stat.undialable ) { strcpy(status, "Undialable"); } else if( stat.hold_until > now ) { sprintf(status, "Holded for %s", time_string_approx_interval(buffer, stat.hold_until - now)); } else if( stat.hold_freqs > now ) { sprintf(status, "Holded for %s", time_string_approx_interval(buffer, stat.hold_freqs - now)); } else strcpy(status, "Normal"); if( *status ) { printf("%-25s %-15s %-15s %s\n", ftn_addrstr(abuf, queue->systab[i].node.addr), last_in, last_out, status); } else { printf("%-25s %-15s %-15s\n", ftn_addrstr(abuf, queue->systab[i].node.addr), last_in, last_out); } } } } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { s_opts opts; s_sysqueue queue; s_outbound_callback_data ocb; char c; int i; bfstat_opts_default(&opts); while( (c = getopt(argc, argv, "acfhn:prst")) != (char)-1 ) { switch( c ) { case 'h': usage(); exit(0); case 'c': opts.calls_stat = TRUE; break; case 'f': opts.sort_bysize = FALSE; opts.sort_byaddr = FALSE; opts.sort_reverse = FALSE; break; case 'p': opts.humansizes = TRUE; break; case 't': opts.disable_total_sizes = TRUE; break; case 'r': opts.sort_reverse = TRUE; break; case 's': opts.sort_byaddr = FALSE; opts.sort_bysize = TRUE; break; case 'a': opts.sort_byaddr = TRUE; opts.sort_bysize = FALSE; break; case 'n': if( ISDEC(optarg) ) opts.nodeslimit = atoi(optarg); break; default: usage(); exit(1); } } memset(&queue, '\0', sizeof(s_sysqueue)); /* Initialise random number generation */ (void)srand((unsigned)time(0)); /* Initialise current locale */ (void)setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); if( conf_readconf(conf_getconfname(), 0) ) exit(1); memset(&ocb, '\0', sizeof(s_outbound_callback_data)); ocb.callback = out_handle_sysqueue; ocb.dest = (void *)&queue; out_scan(&ocb, NULL); if( queue.sysnum > 1 && (opts.sort_byaddr || opts.sort_bysize) ) { int sort_opts = opts.sort_byaddr ? QUEUE_SORT_ADDRESS : opts.sort_bysize ? QUEUE_SORT_SIZE : 0; if( opts.sort_reverse ) sort_opts |= QUEUE_SORT_REVERSE; out_sysqueue_sort(&queue, sort_opts); } if( queue.sysnum > 0 ) { if( opts.calls_stat ) bfstat_print_stat(&queue, &opts); else bfstat_print_outbound(&queue, &opts); } else printf("Outbound queue is empty\n"); fflush(stdout); deinit_sysqueue(&queue); deinit_conf(); exit(0); }