#!/usr/bin/perl # # It is a log file analyser for 'binkleyforce' mailer. # # Copyright (c) 1998-99 by Alexander Belkin # # $Id$: # # If you have any questions, suggestions or wishes, feel free to contact # with me. My address: 2:5020/1398.11@fidonet # # To post into news, use bflan |inews -h -O -S $program_name = "bforce-lan v1.0/Perl/Linux"; $station_name = "My Station"; $log_file = "/var/log/bforce/bf-log.ttyS0"; $news_header = "From: Statistic Robot \n". "Newsgroups: junk\n". "Subject: Sessions statistic.\n"; #main #{ if( &ReadLog($log_file) == 0 ) { print $news_header; print "\n"; print "\"$system_name\" statistic from <$TimeFirst> to <$TimeLast>\n"; print "\n"; &TotalStatistic(); print "\n"; &SessionsStatistic(); } exit(0); #} sub ReadLog { my($start); if( open( FLOG, $_[0] ) == 0 ) { print "Can't open log \"$_[0]\": $!\n"; return 1; } $start = 0; $cnt = 0; $TimeFirst = ""; $TimeLast = ""; # Read in information from logfile while( ) { chomp; ( $Mon, $Day, $Time, $Pid, $Text ) = split( /[ \t]+/, $_, 5 ); if( $TimeFirst eq "" ) { $TimeFirst = "$Mon $Day $Time"; } if( $start == 0 ) { if( !defined($Connect[$cnt]) ) { $Address[$cnt] = ""; $Connect[$cnt] = "?????"; $InFiles[$cnt] = 0; $OutFiles[$cnt] = 0; $InBytes[$cnt] = 0; $OutBytes[$cnt] = 0; $Status[$cnt] = "U"; $Success[$cnt] = " "; } if( $Text =~ /^calling/ ) { $Text =~ /^calling ([\d:\/.]+)/; $PidsCall{$Pid} = $1; $Calls{$1} = 0 if (!defined( $Calls{$1} )); $Calls{$1}++; } elsif( $Text =~ /^connect/ ) { $Text =~ /^connect "\D*(\d+).*$/; $Connect[$cnt] = $1; } elsif( $Text =~ /^TCP\/IP connect/ ) { $Connect[$cnt] = "TCPIP"; } elsif( $Text =~ /^outbound (\S+) session/ ) { $start = 1; $Time =~ /^(..):(..):(..)$/; $Start[$cnt] = ( $1 * 60 + $2 ) * 60 + $3; $Direction[$cnt] = "O"; $Address[$cnt] = $PidsCall{$Pid}; $MySexyPid = $Pid; next; } elsif( $Text =~ /^inbound (\S+) session/ ) { $start = 1; $Time =~ /^(..):(..):(..)$/; $Start[$cnt] = ( $1 * 60 + $2 ) * 60 + $3; $Direction[$cnt] = "I"; # $kAddress[$cnt] = $PidsCall{$Pid} if( defined($PidsCall{$Pid}) ); $MySexyPid = $Pid; next; } next; } if( ($start == 1) && ($Pid eq $MySexyPid) ) { if( $Text =~ /^remote is password protected system/ ) { $Status[$cnt] = "P"; } elsif( $Text =~ /^remote is listed system/ ) { $Status[$cnt] = "L"; } elsif( $Text =~ /^remote is unlisted system/ ) { $Status[$cnt] = "U"; } elsif( $Text =~ /^[ \t]*Address :/ ) { next if( $Address[$cnt] ne "" ); $Text =~ /^.+:[ \t]+([\d:.\/]+).*$/; $Address[$cnt] = $1; } elsif( $Text =~ /^rcvd: \".+\" \d+/ ) { $Text =~ /^rcvd: \".+\" (\d+)/; $InBytes[$cnt] += $1; $InFiles[$cnt] ++; } elsif( $Text =~ /^sent: \".+\" \d+/ ) { $Text =~ /^sent: \".+\" (\d+)/; $OutBytes[$cnt] += $1; $OutFiles[$cnt] ++; } elsif( $Text =~ /^session rc = \d+/ ) { $Text =~ /^session rc = (\d+)/; if( $1 != 0 ) { $Success[$cnt] = "A"; } $Time =~ /^(..):(..):(..)$/; $Finish[$cnt] = ( $1 * 60 + $2 ) * 60 + $3; $OnLine[$cnt] = $Finish[$cnt] - $Start[$cnt]; $OnLine[$cnt] += 86400 if(( $Finish[$cnt] - $Start[$cnt] ) < 0 ); $start = 0; $cnt++; } } # got another PID! elsif( $Text =~ /^connect \".+\"/ || $Text =~ /^inbound (\S+) session/ || $Text =~ /^outbound (\S+) session/ ) { # Possible there was incorrectly terminated session # due to mailer crash or killing, so getting this string # can mean that we need to break reading session statistic? # But we can also get it if log file used not only by one # mailer at the same time, so.. ignore :) } } # end of while( ) close(FLOG); $TimeLast = "$Mon $Day $Time" if( $Mon && $Day && $Time ); } sub SessionsStatistic { local ($addr, $start, $finish, $online, $ibyte, $obyte, $cps, $speed); my ($i); $~ = HEADER; write; $~ = EACH; for ($i = 0; $i < $cnt; $i++) { $addr = $Address[$i]; $stat = "$Direction[$i]$Status[$i]$Success[$i]"; $start = sec2str($Start[$i], "short"); $finish = sec2str($Finish[$i], "short"); $online = sec2str($OnLine[$i], "long"); $ibyte = $InBytes[$i]; $in = $InFiles[$i]; $obyte = $OutBytes[$i]; $on = $OutFiles[$i]; $cps = int( ($ibyte + $obyte) / $OnLine[$i] ) if ($OnLine[$i] > 0); $speed = $Connect[$i]; $ibyte = num2siz( $ibyte ); $obyte = num2siz( $obyte ); write; } $~ = FOOTER; write; } sub TotalStatistic { undef( %hSystems ); undef( %hCalls ); undef( %hTimes ); undef( %hSessions ); undef( %hInBytes ); undef( %hOutBytes ); undef( %hInFiles ); undef( %hOutFiles ); local($cal, $ses, $time, $ibyte, $obyte, $inum, $onum, $icps, $ocps); local($acal, $ases, $atime, $aibyte, $aobyte, $ainum, $aonum, $aicps, $aocps); local($sys); my($i); $acal = 0; $ases = 0; $atime = 0; $aibyte = 0; $aobyte = 0; $ainum = 0; $aonum = 0; $aicps = 0; $aocps = 0; for( $i = 0; $i < $cnt; $i++ ) { $sys = $Address[$i]; if( !defined($hSystems{$sys}) ) { $hSystems{$sys} = 1; $hCalls{$sys} = $Calls{$sys}; $Calls{$sys} = 0; $hTimes{$sys} = 0; $hSessions{$sys} = 0; $hInBytes{$sys} = 0; $hOutBytes{$sys} = 0; $hInFiles{$sys} = 0; $hOutFiles{$sys} = 0; } $hTimes{$sys} += $OnLine[$i]; $hSessions{$sys} += 1; $hInBytes{$sys} += $InBytes[$i]; $hOutBytes{$sys} += $OutBytes[$i]; $hInFiles{$sys} += $InFiles[$i]; $hOutFiles{$sys} += $OutFiles[$i]; } @Syst = sort( keys( %hSystems )); $~ = hHEADER; write; $~ = hEACH; for( $i = 0; $i <= $#Syst; $i++ ) { $sys = $Syst[$i]; $cal = ( $hCalls{$sys} || 0 ); $acal += $cal; $ses = $hSessions{$sys}; $ases += $ses; $time = sec2str($hTimes{$sys}, "long"); $atime += $hTimes{$sys}; $ibyte = $hInBytes{$sys}; $aibyte += $ibyte; $obyte = $hOutBytes{$sys}; $aobyte += $obyte; $inum = $hInFiles{$sys}; $ainum += $inum; $onum = $hOutFiles{$sys}; $aonum += $onum; if( $hInFiles{$sys} > 0 || $hOutFiles{$sys} > 0 ) { $cps = int( ($hInBytes{$sys} + $hOutBytes{$sys}) / $hTimes{$sys} ); $acps += $cps; $sess++; } else { $cps = 0; } write; } # Now, draw systems without sessions .. @Syst = sort( keys( %Calls )); $ses = "-"; $time = "-"; $ibyte = "-"; $obyte = "-"; $inum = "-"; $onum = "-"; $cps = "-"; for( $i = 0; $i <= $#Syst; $i++ ) { $sys = $Syst[$i]; if( $Calls{$sys} ) { $sys = $Syst[$i]; $cal = $Calls{$sys}; $acal += $cal; write; } } $atime = sec2str($atime, "long"); if( $sess > 0 ) { $acps = int( $acps / $sess ); } else { $acps = 0; } $~ = hFOOTER; write; } sub num2siz { my($num) = $_[0]; my($siz); if($num < 1000) { $siz = $num.' '; } elsif($num < 10000000) { $siz = int($num/1024).'k'; } else { $siz = int($num/(1024*1024)).'M'; } return $siz; } sub sec2str { my($sec) = $_[0]; my($tip) = $_[1]; my ($h, $m, $s); $h = int( $sec / 3600 ); $m = int( ($sec - $h*3600) / 60); $s = int( $sec % 60 ); if( $tip =~ /short/ ) { return sprintf("%02d:%02d", $h, $m); } elsif( $tip =~ /long/ ) { return sprintf("%03d:%02d:%02d", $h, $m, $s); } } format HEADER = ͺ”” Call : 'I' - Incoming, 'O' - Outgoing ƒͺ” Status : 'U' - Unlisted, 'L' - Listed, 'P' - Protected ƒƒͺ Session : ' ' - Success, 'A' - Aborted ₯‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ˆ ƒ Time ƒStaƒ FTN ƒ On-Line ƒ Incoming ƒ Outgoing ƒ Avg.ƒSpeedƒ ƒhh:mm-hh:mmƒtusƒ Address ƒhhh:mm:ssƒ Bytesƒ N ƒ Bytesƒ N ƒ CPS ƒ ƒ –¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨… . format EACH = ƒ@<<<<-@<<<<ƒ@<<ƒ@<<<<<<<<<<<<<<ƒ@>>>>>>>>ƒ@>>>>>ƒ@>>ƒ@>>>>>ƒ@>>ƒ@>>>>ƒ@>>>>ƒ $start,$finish,$stat,$addr, $online, $ibyte, $in,$obyte, $on,$cps, $speed . format FOOTER = €ŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŽ @>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $Version . format hHEADER = ₯‘‘‘‘‘ˆ ƒ FTN ƒ Total ƒ Time ƒ Incoming ƒ Outgoing ƒ CPS ƒ ƒ Address ƒCal.ƒSes.ƒ On-Line ƒ Bytes ƒ NN ƒ Bytes ƒ NN ƒ ƒ –¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨… . format hEACH = ƒ@<<<<<<<<<<<<<<ƒ@>>>ƒ@>>>ƒ@||||||||ƒ@>>>>>>>>ƒ@>>>ƒ@>>>>>>>>ƒ@>>>ƒ@>>>>ƒ $sys, $cal,$ses,$time, $ibyte, $inum,$obyte, $onum,$cps . format hFOOTER = “”””””””””””””””•””””•””””•”””””””””•”””””””””•””””•”””””””””•””””•”””””„ ƒ TOTAL ƒ@>>>ƒ@>>>ƒ@||||||||ƒ@>>>>>>>>ƒ@>>>ƒ@>>>>>>>>ƒ@>>>ƒ@>>>>ƒ $acal,$ases,$atime, $aibyte, $ainum,$aobyte,$aonum,$acps €ŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŸŽ @>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> $Version .