#!/usr/bin/tclsh # # Copyright (c) 2000 by Alexander Belkin # # $Id$ # # Tcl script for creating polls, file requests and file attaches # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. ################## # Program settings # Defaults for address completion set def_zone 2 set def_net 5020 set def_node 1398 # Path to your main BSO directory (not implemented) #set bso_dir "/var/spool/ftn/out" # Path to your ASO directory set aso_dir "/var/spool/fido/amiga.out" # Log file name set logfile "/var/log/bforce/outman.log" # Uncomment this if you not need logging #set logfile {} ################################ # The program's body starts here set LOG {} proc stupid_user {} { puts "Usage: outman <\[poll|freq|send]> \[options]
\[files]\n" puts "options:" puts " -hold set hold flavor" puts " -normal set normal flavor (default)" puts " -crash set crash flavor" puts " -kill kill files after send" puts " -truncate truncate files after send" puts "" puts "Mail bug reports to " exit 1 } proc log {str} { global LOG global logfile if { $logfile != {} } { if { $LOG == {} } { set LOG [open $logfile "a"] } set seconds [clock seconds] puts $LOG "[clock format $seconds -format "%d/%m %H:%M:%S"] $str" } } proc parse_addr {str} { global def_zone global def_net global def_node set zone $def_zone set net $def_net set node $def_node set point 0 if { [regexp "^\[0-9]+:\[0-9]+/\[0-9]+\\.?\[0-9]*$" $str] } { regexp "(\[0-9]+):(\[0-9]+)/(\[0-9]+)\\.?(\[0-9]*)$" $str \ {} zone net node point } elseif { [regexp "^\[0-9]+/\[0-9]+\\.?\[0-9]*$" $str] } { regexp "(\[0-9]+)/(\[0-9]+)\\.?(\[0-9]*)$" $str \ {} net node point } elseif { [regexp "^\[0-9]+\\.?\[0-9]*$" $str] } { regexp "^(\[0-9]*)\\.?(\[0-9]*)$" $str \ {} node point } elseif { [regexp "^\.\[0-9]+$" $str] } { regexp "^\.(\[0-9]+)$" $str \ {} point } else { puts "invalid address $str" return {} } if { $zone == {} } { set zone [$def_zone] } if { $net == {} } { set net [$def_net] } if { $node == {} } { set node [$def_node] } if { $point == {} } { set point 0 } # puts "debug: address parse '$str' -> '$zone,$net,$node,$point'" return "$zone $net $node $point" } proc addrstr {addr} { return [lindex $addr 0]:[lindex $addr 1]/[lindex $addr 2].[lindex $addr 3] } # # TODO: support for outbounds not in the default zone # proc filename_bso {addr flavor} { global bso_dir set zone [lindex $addr 0] set net [lindex $addr 1] set node [lindex $addr 2] set point [lindex $addr 3] if { $point } { set name [format "%04x%04x.pnt/%08x" $net $node $point] } else { set name [format "%04x%04x" $net $node] } switch $flavor { "bsy" { return "$bso_dir/$name.bsy" } "freq" { return "$bso_dir/$name.req" } "hold" { return "$bso_dir/$name.hlo" } "crash" { return "$bso_dir/$name.clo" } default { return "$bso_dir/$name.flo" } } } proc filename_aso {addr flavor} { global aso_dir set name [lindex $addr 0].[lindex $addr 1].[lindex $addr 2].[lindex $addr 3] switch $flavor { "bsy" { return "$aso_dir/$name.bsy" } "freq" { return "$aso_dir/$name.req" } "hold" { return "$aso_dir/$name.hlo" } "crash" { return "$aso_dir/$name.clo" } default { return "$aso_dir/$name.flo" } } } proc bsy_exist {addr} { set bsyname [filename_aso $addr "bsy"] if { [file exists $bsyname] } { return 1 } return 0 } proc command_freq {addr files} { set reqname [filename_aso $addr "freq"] set name {} # puts "debug: file request name is '$reqname'" set REQ [open $reqname "a"] foreach name $files { puts $REQ $name log "request \"$name\" from [addrstr $addr]" } close $REQ } proc command_poll {addr flavor} { set floname [filename_aso $addr $flavor] if { ![file exists $floname] } { set FLO [open $floname "a"] close $FLO log "poll [addrstr $addr] ($flavor)" } else { log "cannot create poll for [addrstr $addr]: allready polled" } } proc command_send {addr files flavor action} { set floname [filename_aso $addr $flavor] set name {} set curdir [exec pwd] set FLO [open $floname "a"] foreach name $files { if { [file exists $name] } { if { [file pathtype $name] == "relative" } { if { [string match "./*" $name] } { set name [string range $name 2 end] } set name "$curdir/$name" } log "send file \"$name\" ([file size $name] bytes) to [addrstr $addr] ($flavor)" switch $action { "kill" { puts $FLO "^$name" } "truncate" { puts $FLO "#$name" } default { puts $FLO "@$name" } } } else { puts "skip file \"$name\" to [addrstr $addr]: file not exist" } } close $FLO } ############################## # The main program starts here if { $argc < 2 } { stupid_user } set command {} set address {} set addr {} set files {} set flavor "normal" set action "nothing" for {set i 0} {$i < $argc} {incr i} { set arg [lindex $argv $i] if { [string index $arg 0] == "-" } { switch [string range $arg 1 end] { "hold" { set flavor "hold" } "normal" { set flavor "normal" } "crash" { set flavor "crash" } "kill" { set action "kill" } "truncate" { set action "truncate" } default { puts "unknown command line option '$arg'" stupid_user } } } elseif { $command == {} } { set command $arg } elseif { $address == {} } { set address $arg set addr [parse_addr $address] if { $addr == {} } { stupid_user } } else { lappend files $arg } } if { $command == {} || $address == {} } { stupid_user } if { [bsy_exist $addr] } { puts "bsy file exist for address [addrstr $addr]" exit 2 } switch $command { "poll" { command_poll $addr $flavor } "freq" { command_freq $addr $files } "send" { command_send $addr $files $flavor $action } default { puts "unknown command $command" stupid_user } } if { $LOG != {} } { close $LOG } exit 0